Like most firefighters I started out in the EMS field. I went to school through a local community college and took my national tests at a local private EMS provider. The tests were scary and, like most, I was sure I failed. By the grace of God, I passed.
While I was in school I was always looking for someone to let me take their blood pressure or some other practical skill that I would be tested on. This turned into my dad considering me "the go to guy" for anything (and I mean ANYTHING!) medically related. It had it's ups and downs.
I was (and still am) the guy that got the call to do anything from fixing up boo-boos to removing stitches (with the Dr.'s permission of course) and (what I'm most notible for) removing foreign objects from fingers and hands. I have removed everything from splinters and thorns to glass shards and even the occasional handful of snake teeth.
My most recent patient was of the four legged variety. We caught a small eastern cottontail that was feasting on our tomatoes. To my delight my wife called me and informed me of our catch. Later she informed me that the bunny had a big bump on it's side. Her best idea was maybe a broken rib or something. After work I came home and went to check on what would be one of my smallest patients. Immediately upon seeing the growth, my years of experience (and an episode of the T.V. show "Monster Inside Me") told me this was no growth, it was a larva of some wasp or fly. The patient was wisked away to the O.R. and the operation commensed. A few minutes later the patient was patched up and back in the recovery room ready for some well deserved R&R.
My most frequent patient was a Mr. Jon Tegg. That's right folks, my little bro! That guy got more splinters, thorns, and slivers in his hands than anyone I know. I distinctly remember about 2-3 weeks before his 2nd stay in China we met up in the "O.R." three different times for probably 5-7 splinters.
Now that Jon and Annie are in China my call volume has drastically declined. However to the delight of my family (and some close friends) I am still the resident Firefighter/EMT/Surgeon.
Your interesting but not interesting enough.