Saturday, April 26, 2014

How to pick your perfect chicken

How to pick your perfect chicken. 

Chickens are an amazing creature.  Just like dogs each breed has it's own unique quarks.  Before you can start looking for the type of chickens to buy, you have to ask what their role will be on your farm.  Will they be strictly egg layers or for meat? Are they going to be in a small coup or free range?  Does egg shell color matter?  Will these layers be for producing future generations?  All of these are very important questions to ask yourself.  

Over the years I have probably owned a couple hundred chickens.  I have my favorite breeds and I have breeds I tend to avoid.  Here are some of the breeds I with which I am familiar.

Plymouth Barred Rock:  Very friendly if hand raised.  Good layer of large brown eggs.  Also a decent chicken to eat.  Only breed I have ever had get "broody."  Still one of my absolute all time favorites!

Rhode Island Red:  Another of my favorites!  Fairly friendly, heavy layer of large brown eggs.  Also a fairly meaty breed.

Leghorn:  Not very friendly/ borderline mean breed.  Little to no meat value, but these girls sure can lay!  Sometimes two eggs a day.

Production Red:  A cross breed between the Rhode Island Red and the Leghorn taking most of it's attributes from the Rhode Island Red side.

Australorp:  This chicken is just here for business.  Indifferent attitude, mid to heavy layer, and decent meat.

Americana:  Smaller breed that seem a bit skiddish.  Decent layers with odd color eggs including greenish to blueish shades.

New Hampshire Red:  Another large breed, heavy layer and a fair disposition. 

Disclaimer!  These are my experiences with these breeds.  Your experience will vary.

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